Our wide range of free study materials covers grammar and vocabulary as well as materials which will help you to develop your skills for the writing, reading, listening and speaking sections of the IELTS exam. Our comprehensive materials are designed especially for those taking the IELTS English exam which means after preparing with British Council IELTS resources, you will know what to expect on the day of your exam. Even if you have an advanced level of English, we would reccommend that you take the time to study using our IELTS preparation materials.

Our IELTS online materials follow the same structure as the English IELTS test so that you can familiarise yourself with the format and prepare well for the different exercises and questions which form part of each section. If you are taking IELTS on computer, we reccomend that you use the practice materials which are designed specifically for that format.

Don't know how to start preparing for IELTS? Follow this guide to preparing for IELTS...

  1. Preparation materials (free)
  2. Mobile applications (free)
  3. Online practice test for Academic and General Training - without score (free)
  4. Online practice test for IELTS for UKVI and IELTS for UKVI Life Skills - without score (free)

                                     Book your IELTS exam now! 

British Council IELTS preparation materials

Woman watches a free IELTS preparation video on her tablet to prepare for her IELTS English exam in Santiago.

Free IELTS videos | IELTS preparation materials

Prepare for your English IELTS exam with our videos by finding out what IELTS examiners are looking for.

Watch our IELTS videos here

Woman using a free English app to prepare for her IELTS test with the British Council.

Free IELTS mobile apps | IELTS Chile

Prepare for your IELTS test with our free applications which will help you to understand the format of IELTS and perform to the best of your ability.

Download our IELTS apps now to begin learning!

Free online mock IELTS test | IELTS Academic y General

Revise for your IELTS exam with our online mock tests which you can take in timed conditions to improve your exam technique.

Take your IELTS mock test now!

IELTS Ready: Premium

Exclusively available to all British Council IELTS test-takers, IELTS Ready: Premium (powered by GEL IELTS Prep) is your pathway to success.